This page will feature occasional reflections on Zion 21.0.
Latter-day Saints treasure the ideal of Zion, a perfect society of unity, equality and righteousness. Although earlier efforts to establish Zion were unsuccessful, they fully expect that Zion will be built in the future. Basic principles were revealed in the 1830s, but conditions have changed in the intervening two centuries. If Zion were established in the twenty-first century, what would it look like? In particular, how might a system of consecration and stewardship function?
Envisioning Zion in the 21st Century presents an economist’s answer to these questions. It presents a coherent vision of “Zion 21.0.” The vision incorporates principles taught by LDS scriptures and leaders, adapted to a modern economy. The book provides a sound understanding of equality and its fundamental role. It describes a mechanism to create equality in Zion and provides a workable definition of needs and circumstances that would be taken into account. It outlines how various types of income and property consecrated by Zion members would be handled. The book lays out procedures to avoid problems that made the 1830s Zion project unsuccessful. It maintains that Zion 21.0, if established by prophetic authority, would attract righteous people, both rich and poor, into a sustainable community.
I love what George Q. Cannon taught about the establishment of Zion:
The time must come when we must obey that which has been revealed to us as the Order of Enoch, when there shall be no rich and no poor among the Latter-day Saints; when wealth will not be a temptation; when every man will love his neighbor as he does himself; when every man and woman will labor for the good of all as much as for self. . . . God, undoubtedly, in his own time and way, will inspire his servant to introduce it among the people. I do not wish to foreshadow when it will be done, or what the circumstances will be that will call it forth, for this is not my province; but I feel led to talk upon it, and to prepare my own heart, and to seek, with all the faith and influence I have, to prepare the hearts of my brethren and sisters for the introduction of this order. (George Q. Cannon, Journal of Discourses 15:207–8)
Like Elder Cannon, I am excitedly looking forward to the establishment of Zion. Under a system of consecration and stewardship, all Zion members will be equal, and the income they earn will benefit all members equally. The Lord will reveal the appropriate time through his prophet. In the meantime, I want to prepare myself and encourage others to prepare.